Tuesday 1 March 2011

Campaign launched to overturn Barnet CPZ charges


Newsletter No 1:- Invitation to legal action meeting on 9 March

The initial campaign against the increased parking charges was well covered in the media and well supported. E.g. http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/investigations/

However, we haven’t yet persuaded the council. Contrary to the impression that may have been given on BBC News, the Council cabinet meeting of 24 February was reconvened and the increased charges were approved. They will therefore be in force by 1st April 2011 – only a legal challenge can now stop this.

Our research suggests that we have a strong legal case, so we have instructed a barrister to provide a written legal opinion before we take it further.

We are holding a meeting at 8pm on Wednesday 9th March 2011 in East Finchley by which time we will have that legal opinion. We will present a plan of action and explain the legal process. A committee will be set up to take it forward and we need you to step forward with your skills and energy. We will also need to establish the level of financial support that we have and plan how to raise funding.  If you’d like to attend, please email barnetcpz@gmail.com. and we will email the venue to you

Please tell anyone in your neighbourhood or in Barnet who would be interested in our campaign. If they send their email address to us we can include them on the mailing list.

We have a real chance to overturn the parking rises – but we need your support!


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