Media Coverage

Media coverage following our victory of 22nd July 2013.

Ham&High: Council to pay £2m but wins outsourcing plans (6/8/13)
Barnet Today: Council set to pay out £2m after CPZ charges ruled unlawful (5/8/13)
Superhero of suburbia - David strikes a blow for motorists (31/7/13)
Littlejohn -  "Britain's parking regime borders on criminal insanity" (31/7/13)

This is London:  Council accused of knowing it would lose .. (28/07/13)
BBC News - Car permit victory for campaigners
ITV News - Rolling commentary through the day
London Evening Standard - Councils can't use parking to raise revenues
Times Series - Barnet Council used CPZ money for 'illegal and immoral purposes'
Ham & High - Landmark High Court ruling deems Barnet Council CPZ charges ‘unlawful’
Barnet Today -  CPZ price hike unlawful, says High Court judge
This is Local London - Barnet's Labour group welcomes High Court ...
The Guardian - Barnet residents win high court fight...
Daily Mail - Motorists win landmark judgement ...
Daily Telegraph -  Park and Rise
Daily Telegraph - Parking judgement commentary
LocalGov - Barnet loses judicial review into 'unlawful' parking charge
Radio 5 Live - Victoria Derbyshire interview with David & Mr. Coleman
LBC 97.3 FM -Parking Campaigners Celebrate Barnet Victory
LBC 97.3 FM - Awaiting audio clip: interview Andrew Castle and David
Express - Victory for motorists ...
BBC London Drivetime - Awaiting clip: Eddie Nestor interviews Barnet CPZ

and the actual judgement.

Previous media Coverage

Brian Coleman expelled from Tories after assault conviction (06/06/13)
BBC News: Convicted ex-mayor expelled from party (06/06/13)
ITN: Video footage of Brian Coleman assaulting female café owner 
Brian Coleman arrested and bailed for assault. (21/9/12)
£400 to park outside your front door. (29/6/12)
'Wake up call' for Barnet Council. (1/6/12)
Barnet Council launches full scale parking review. (22/5/12)
Brian's "fall from grace" (21/5/12) 
Parking: Resource or Environment? Barnet council is confused! (16/5/12)
Hands-Up time by Barnet Council for renewal errors. (16/5/2012)
Coleman's self destiny. (09/05/12)
Meter runs out for Brian Coleman. (05/05/12)
Possible formal complaint against Cllr. Coleman. (2/5/12)
Game On for CPZ action campaign. (1/5/12)
Barnet CPZ rises will get a full Court Hearing (1/5/12) 
Coleman accused of bullying over political posters. (01/5/12)
Political posters create a furore in Barnet (27/4/12)
Exploitation of motorists says Barnet CPZ (23/4/12) 
Barnet Council parking changes causes even more problems (6/4/12)
David loses legal challenge (for now) (08/02/2012)
High Court judge rejects CPZ price challenge (08/02/12)
Last minute preparations for High Court hearing (03/02/12)
Council rejects parking charge review (25/01/12)
Eye watering charges to stay (25/01/12)
Barnet CPZ Campaign given second chance. (10/1/12)
New court date for parking permit challenge. (9/1/12)
Barnet parking charges now 'Rip Off Britain' (scroll to 31½ mins) (13/12/11).
VIPs not exempt from parking charges! (12/2011)
Round-up of BBC coverage this week on our campaign. (2/12/2011)
Hyde Park cheaper than North Finchley says David Attfield. (2/12/11)
Possible 'illegal' CPZ charging raised in the House of Commons. (30/11/11)
Save our high streets urges small businesses. (30/11/11)
CPZs divide the nation says the Guardian/Observer. (27/11/11)
Justine Greening, UK Transport Secratary, warns on CPZ overcharging. (24/11/11)
Barnet Today on the judge's decision. (1711/11)
Times Series reports that Barnet CPZ Action group fights on. (16/11/11)
Barnet CPZ Action group suffers a hiccup (15/11/11)
Evening Standard reports on 'bogus claims' by Westminster council. (15/11/11) 
Times series reports on the 'brilliant'  quiz night (14/11/2011)
Kate Jenkinson is really rooting for our Quiz Night (12/11/11)
Times Series urges Barnet residents to come to our Quiz night. (8/11/11)
MailOnline reports on the great parking rip-off (10/10/11)
The Sunday Times © incisive comments about parking and being taken for a ride. (9/10/11)
Barnet Council appreciates our effort in highlighting an error of theirs. (29/9/11)
Barnet Council acknowledges parking failure. (26/8/11)
Andrew Dismore feels Barnet's behaviour is fishy. (26/8/11)
Norman Baker slams Councils who use parking as Cash Cows. (14/8/11)
Association of British Drivers discusses bees in Barnet. (08/11)
Barnet Council once again fails to follow proper process. (12/8/11)
Public Finance reports on Barnet's CFO's admission to control breakdown. (4/7/11) 
Times Series reports Barnet parking scores low on recent Perception Survey (28/6/11)
Councillor Cornelius about getting the basics right. (23/6/11) 
Barnet Today on Mr Cornelius' Open Door (17/6/11)
Patrick Butler on bloggers and Barnet's outsourcing policies. (17/6/11) 
Cashless Parking discriminates against the elderly. (8/6/11)
Times Series says that Mike Freer still seeking clarification. (7/6/11)
Barnet Eye does not apologise for nicking this blog :-) (1/6/11)
Times Series sympathises with one East Finchley resident (31/5/11)
Barnet & Whetstone
discusses the legal wrangle (12/5/11)
Times Series with their reader's reactions

The Archer reminds their readers of the importance of donations (03/11)
Charlotte Newman reports on the High Court action for London24 (17/4/11)
Ham and High on the launch of High Court Action
ITV's video coverage of the launch (15/4/11)

Barnet & Whetstone reports on legal action launch in the High Court (15/4/11)
The Archer applauds Barnet CPZ Action for winning round one (04/11)
The Finchley Arrow supports Barnet CPZ Action Group (28/3/11)
Times Series discusses Barnet's pothole cash and shortfall plugging (27/3/11)
Times Series interviews David Attfield (24/3/11)
Times Series on Barnet's postponement due to blunder (18/3/11)
Times Series on the prospective legal action (11/3/11)
London Standard reports on the BarnetCPZ Action start up (15/2/11)

Dino 2.0 reports that the peasants are revolting (15/2/11) 
Times Series reports Barnet Cabinet forced to adjourn (15/2/11)
Dino 2.0 tells Barnet Council to 'get the facts' (11/2/11)
Londonist: Barnet Chief brands residents 'hysterical' (2/2/11)
London Standard: Barnet's policy is to "never knowingly undercharge" (2/2/11)

Other links:
Follow Barnet CPZ on Twitter
Barnet CPZ Facebook page 
RAC says "Councils must resist parking 'tax' temptation"

Download latest appeal for funds poster
Download original campaign poster.