Sunday 28 September 2014

Barnet Launch Consultation on New Parking Policy

Now Barnet want to hear from you

Barnet Council has launched a consultation on a new draft parking policy. You can access the policy document and take part in the consultation using this link: consultation survey

Unbelievably, the policy document is over 70 pages long. It is full of unobjectionable (and rather vague) aspirations about keeping the traffic flowing, the roads safe and parking convenient but the consultation is still an opportunity for you to make it clear what your priorities are. 

On the subject of CPZ parking, the Council highlight that resident should on the whole be able to park near their homes. And they accept that charges cannot be set in order to raise revenue, which is the opposite of what they argued in the Court Case.

The ongoing saga of the legal costs

Even though it is over a year since the Court gave judgment in our favour, the costs of the court case have still not be sorted out. It now looks as though there will have to a further hearing just so the question of how much Barnet must pay towards the legal costs is resolved. That hearing will be in December.
All this means that we still do not know if we will be in a position to return the larger donations that we received, at least in part.