A leading QC (Martin Westgate QC) has agreed to represent David Attfield in the legal action on a "no win, no fee"basis. This means that Martin will only be paid if we win the court case.
A firm of specialist solicitors (Anthony Gold Solicitors) has also agreed to act in the case on a "no win, no fee" basis.
The means that David Attfield has managed to secure first rate legal representation at no cost to him or the campaign because, if David wins, the fees of the QC and the solicitors will be paid by Barnet.
This is a huge boost because funding the litigation was our biggest challenge. Whilst much fundraising still needs to be done (to ensure we can pay Barnet's legal costs should David lose the court case), we are confident that we will now be able to pursue the case all the way to trial.
David Attfield
We are still at a very early stage in the legal action and it will be several months at least before the case comes to trial. We will continue to update you as the case develops.
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